Thursday, May 7, 2009

Top 15 reasons I love Summer in Clovis.

The 97 degree day we had today made me think of Summer and I thought I would make a list of the things I enjoy most about Summertime in Eastern New Mexico.

15 Things I love about Clovis in the Summertime:

1. Even if the daytime temp reaches 100 degrees, every evening it will be back in the low 70’s just in time to sit on the porch and sip some iced tea.
2. Kids can play outside for hours and you don’t have to wonder where they are or who they’re with.
3. Eating shaved ice from a vendor that lets you put as much syrup on it as you want.
4. Growing my own garden and watching the sunflowers get tall. Tall enough to enter in the Curry County Fair in August and win a blue ribbon.
5. The sound of softball games in the park.
6. Sonic stays open till midnight or later.
7. Every week a different church holds a vacation Bible school. And they coordinate with each other.
8. Parents take time to sit with kids who are getting free lunches at the park.
9. Dry heat and no humidity.
10. People get out in the evenings and take walks with their families.
11. Watching fireworks over Green Acres lake from the back of a pickup.
12. The smell of fresh cut lawns. (I know that’s everywhere but I had to include it)
13. Taking day trips to Carlsbad Caverns, or Lubbock, or Amarillo, or Palo Duro Canyon, or Albuquerque or Santa Fe or Ruidoso.
14. Going Camping next to a Creek in Tres Ritos and going trail riding in Duran Canyon. Since we don’t have any creeks in Clovis – it’s a big thing.
15. Driving away from the city lights, sticking your head out the sunroof and looking at a million stars.


Anonymous said...

seriously? do you actually live in Clovis?

Anonymous said...

I like summer in Clovis because it means we're one year closer to getting orders out of here.

Anonymous said...

The only reason you like it here is because you are in real estate and you like the money that all the military are bringing in for your crappy over-priced homes. You should add that as #16. Plus, it's funny that three of your reasons are about LEAVING Clovis. That's awesome.

FlyRealtor said...

Thanks for your incredibly insightful comments also for your voicemail saying the same things this evening. At least I know this poor blog isnt lost to cyberspace.
These are some of the reasons that I love Clovis. It is my hometown, by choice. I have lived in the area for 15 years before that I lived in New Orleans, D.C., Miami and Maryland. I prefer Clovis, not because I have had a great career in Real Estate since I've only been doing that for 7 years, but I do love it. I wont argue with you, I hope you get your orders soon, since that will make you a happier person, and that your next assignment is more to your liking. And by the way - I always know where my kids are...thats why I dont have to wonder... I dont think Sonic being open till midnight is amazing, I like going at midnight just because I do. Sorry for wasting your time spewing my Clovis love around and forcing you to read it. :)